Digital Printing to Bring Glass to Life

Do you have, or have you dreamt about, glass features in your home?

We’re talking about large panes of glass placed strategically throughout the home… these are an excellent way to enhance the beauty of your home while providing a number of benefits.Glass art and digital printing

From glass balustrades to glass doors, there are many ways in which you can add glass features into your home. But did you know that you can take your glass features one step further?

With digital printing on glass, you can bring glass features to life.


At WaterArt, digital printing is the process of taking a digital image or design and applying it to a new or existing pane of glass. In most cases you will need an image or design that you can provide to us in order to print it on the glass. However, we may be able to find or curate an image or design for you if you do not already have one.


To get your creativity going, below are a few suggestions that we’ve seen or recommend using on panes of glass.

Remember that the only limit is the ideas you can come up with. At WaterArt we can help you create virtually anything to put on your glass features.

  • Pictures of Family. What better way to signify a legacy in the making?
  • Inspiring Quotes. Have a favorite quote that inspired you to get where you are today? Or maybe a quote that gets you started for the day? Have it digitally printed where you will see it often!
  • Pictures of Food. Perfect for the kitchen. Have a few of your favorite or commonly cooked foods printed along the wall of your glass splashbacks. This will help you to establish a theme for the kitchen.
  • Colored Themes. If you’re a fan of using a few specific colors throughout the home or in separate rooms, you can use digital printing to help enhance that theme.
  • Images of Landscapes. By using a landscape on parts of your glass features, you can help to emulate a theme throughout the home and to instill hope about the places you would like to visit!
  • Abstract Designs. You don’t always need a pre-existing images to create a beautiful digital print. Sometimes the best designs are the ones made from scratch.
  • As Privacy Curtains. By using any of the above suggestions, you can use a solid color, image or design to provide privacy by digitally printing it to obstruct views in parts of a room.

Do you have a few ideas of your own to try out in your home? Or do you need help with ideas to help create the best looking glass features in your home? Regardless, at WaterArt we are experts with handling high-end glass art and are willing to take on the most ambitious of projects. Give us a call or contact us today! Let us know what your ideas are or how we can help.

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